Friday, November 28, 2008

Our trip back from Maoming City

Today we started out our day at 10:00 am and didn't get back to the hotel in Guangzhou until 7:00 pm. As a new parent this was a true test. We stopped at a beach before we got on the road and also stopped for lunch but it was a LONG bus ride. Amazingly these babies did extremely well. Lucy napped, ate and played like it was no big deal. In fact the babies kept the adults from going insane. We hit a traffic jam towards the end of our trip which added another 2 hours so I was getting a little concerned we were going to run out of formula. Luckily our little trooper just kept playing and laughing reminding us all it's all about the attitude and she has a great one. Still, I hope we never have to do that again. :)

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