Sunday, September 5, 2010

The End of our trip

Cordelia took us to all of the sights we didn't get to see on our first time to China. The zoo...which would have been way better in November. It was like 104 degrees that day. Uuuuuggg! The girls loved feeding the giraffes. We went to a traditional market and the local mall. I'm really sad that I was unable to blog while in China. I loved the journaling I had for Lucy. At this point it is hard for me to remember all the details. Emmy was definitely giving us a run for our money. She would try to run away at all times.....just to be funny but we were all exhausted from chasing her. We ended the trip with one night stay in Hong Kong. The plane ride home went better than expected. Both girls slept for 9 the same time. We were thankful for that. We were greeted at the Chicago airport by some of our Adoption Families. That was a great welcome back home. We obviously were exhausted and couldn't wait to get home to bed. The girls were sleeping through the night in 8 days. We have been so lucky in that way......and many others.

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